Mindset & Action

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Nikita: A Journey of Self-Discovery | EP249

July 15, 2024 Donna Eade / Nikita Thakrar Episode 249
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Nikita: A Journey of Self-Discovery | EP249
Mindset & Action
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Mindset & Action
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Nikita: A Journey of Self-Discovery | EP249
Jul 15, 2024 Episode 249
Donna Eade / Nikita Thakrar

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Feeling like you're not enough without a university degree? You're not alone. This Mindset Monday, we're joined by Nikita from Journey with Nikita, a holistic health, well-being, and personal development coach who has faced her own battles with inadequacy and imposter syndrome. Discover how Nikita transformed her self-doubt into a journey of self-discovery, leveraging mindfulness and positive self-talk to overcome her mindset blocks.

In our candid conversation, Nikita opens up about her struggle with feeling unqualified despite her extensive knowledge and experience. Don't miss her invaluable insights on combating imposter syndrome and embracing your true potential. Plus, get a sneak peek into Thursday's episode where we dive deeper into mindset and business growth. Tune in, get inspired, and start believing in your own worth.

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Edited and produced by Donna Eade

Thank you for your support:)

Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

Show Notes Transcript

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Feeling like you're not enough without a university degree? You're not alone. This Mindset Monday, we're joined by Nikita from Journey with Nikita, a holistic health, well-being, and personal development coach who has faced her own battles with inadequacy and imposter syndrome. Discover how Nikita transformed her self-doubt into a journey of self-discovery, leveraging mindfulness and positive self-talk to overcome her mindset blocks.

In our candid conversation, Nikita opens up about her struggle with feeling unqualified despite her extensive knowledge and experience. Don't miss her invaluable insights on combating imposter syndrome and embracing your true potential. Plus, get a sneak peek into Thursday's episode where we dive deeper into mindset and business growth. Tune in, get inspired, and start believing in your own worth.

Connect with Nikita - Website

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Want to get booked more and get more out of your guest appearances?

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Edited and produced by Donna Eade

Thank you for your support:)

Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Mindset in Action podcast, the place to be to grow and streamline your business. I'm your host, donna Eade. Let's jump into the show. Welcome back to the podcast, everybody for this mini Mindset Monday, and I have a lovely guest with me who's gonna be with me on Thursday, so make sure you come and join us for a really fascinating talk. It's going to be a little bit out of left field for this podcast, I think the conversation, but it's all around that mindset, it's all around you and your business and I think you're going to love it. So make sure you come back and listen to that one and welcome to the podcast, nikita.

Speaker 2:

Hello, thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited to have you here with us for this week. Tell the listeners just a little bit about what it is that you do.

Speaker 2:

So I'm a holistic health, well-being and personal development coach, and my brand is called Journey with Nikita. So I take people on a journey from where they are now to where they want to be, and what's exciting about that process is often people don't know where they want to be, but they just know that they're meant for more, and I always felt that I felt that I had more potential, more passion, more to do and to serve, and so this really stems from my own personal journey that I'm now able to share and impart with others.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I love that. And Nikita, everybody is spelled n-i-k-i-t-a. I always put two k's in it when I'm writing it for some reason so.

Speaker 1:

I thought if I do it, others might. So just one K, okay. So today we're talking about the mindset block issue that you know as business owners. We all get them. Sometimes they are ones that are one and done and we can get over them and move on. Sometimes they are reoccurring new level, new devil kind of blocks. So, nikita, for you, what has been the biggest mindset block that you've come up against in your business so far?

Speaker 2:

I never went to university. Instead, I went on a gap year which ended up becoming 10 years. It was soul searching. In India, I learned lots of holistic therapies and meditation and mindfulness, yoga, etc. So my biggest mindset block was that that I never went to university. So I always felt like I wasn't enough. So to compensate for that feeling, I did lots of courses, like as soon as I had finished one course, I would just enroll myself onto the next course, hadn't even got the certificate through. And I'm like investing so much in all these courses because I thought that the abundance of certificates would equate to a university degree, which now I look back on and it's, yeah, not really necessary at all.

Speaker 2:

But I had a fear of judgment. I thought that people would think well, who is she? What does she know? Especially because the things that I talk about are related to the mind and the workings of the mind. So one of the things that I used to think was I don't have a degree in psychology. What are people going to think of me? Who am I to say stuff like this? So I was doubting my knowledge knowledge even though I had built up a wealth of experience and I'd, you know, created so much impact amongst my clients, I still had imposter syndrome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I can understand that. So is this something that rears its head for you anymore, or is it something that you were able to kind of move past?

Speaker 2:

on top of it, it's again, like you say, rears its head again. So it's something that I'm constantly having to work on. And how do I work on it? Through self-talk, positive thinking and having to just be aware that that's not the real me speaking. That's, that's an imposter. That's the you know, monkey mind, if you like. It's not the real me and actually, if listen to it, I'm not going to take action, I'm not going to do anything and therefore I'm not going to be able to really create that impact that I want to. So it's a constant. Well, it used to feel like a battle, but now it's more like a kind of push and a pull whereby I just have to console it, if you like yeah, yeah, I get that, I get that.

Speaker 1:

So for me, um, I'm wondering if there was any kind of cultural pressure there for you, because for me, coming from my family, I didn't have anybody wanting me, needing me, to go to university. It was actually a self-imposed thing and I went back as a mature student because I had set when I was seven years old this is what I want to do. I want to be a teacher. I've got to go to uni. These are the grades that I need, and I started working towards that from a very young age and when it didn't pan out for me, I exactly felt that not enough, like I failed, I'm not good enough.

Speaker 1:

I, you know, I've messed my life up almost and you know, going and getting that certificate to me was just like a bit of a you know, yes, I did it and I've got it and I felt great. It hasn't done me any good. Yeah, because I decided didn't want to teach, so I didn't actually need the degree, but I enjoyed doing it and I felt proud of myself for doing it. As a single mum, full time university and bringing up a daughter on her own, it was. It was a great achievement, but I never felt any familial pressures around university and what was expected of me, and I just wondered whether you had that at home as well, kind of impacting you in any way definitely massively, because it was a huge thing not going to university.

Speaker 2:

It was like, well, did you not get in? Are you not good enough? Did you not get the grades? And it wasn't that, it was a choice, and people didn't understand how I could be, you know, so risky Because you know, back then, if you think about it I mean, I'm talking about 20 years ago it was almost a given that you had to go to university, get a degree, in order to get a good job, whereas now we know that that's not true.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people don't even use their degrees and there's only certain professions which you really do need qualifications for in that sense. So for me, I was always looked down upon within my community, so it wasn't just my immediate family, it was my relatives, it was everywhere I went, and I mentioned that I went to India for 10 years and people thought that I was sort of swanning off, I was escaping reality and you know I lost lots of friends in the process because they were doing the normal thing, you know, the conventional route, and everybody thought that I was different. But what I was doing was following my calling, and that's really what I inspire people to do now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's very brave of you to have really followed your gut at such a young age. Because I think when we were talking we talk about this on Thursday about how children kind of have this freedom because they don't sort of put that they're not in a box yet they haven't been put in a box and you kind of fought against being put in that box, in in the situation where it wasn't just your parents that were expecting it of you, it was your wider family, your wider community. That was just like this is how it's done and you broke that mold and that's a brave step. But then to see that actually that then continues to impact you because in the back of your mind it's like this is what I was meant to do and I didn't do it. So I'm not enough.

Speaker 1:

And it's kind of crazy to think that you were, you were brave enough to to make the step, but then the subconscious mind still sort of sits there and goes you, you did it wrong. You know you're not enough and it's. It's so hard to kind of be in that space and I think you've done an amazing job and you've got a fantastic business and just a fantastic way about you that I feel like you really have kind of stepped into that calling of being able to bring those people that need you to you in a beautiful way, so it was definitely worth it, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's what we're going to talk about on Thursday about how to show up and be true to who you are and use your business as a medium through which you can express your skills and expertise, but also your experiences and your personality, and that's called Dharma. But I won't give too much away.

Speaker 1:

We can wait till Thursday. Yeah, brilliant, come back on Thursday. Guys, we have a fantastic conversation and, yeah, thank you so much for joining me today, Nikita, and for being with me on Thursday. Where can people find you on the internet?

Speaker 2:

So I'm on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn under Journey with Nikita and I've also got a website with a free seven day guided meditation program and that's journeywithnikitacom.

Speaker 1:

Brilliant. Thank you so much. I will leave that with you guys. Go and find Nikita, come back on Thursday for our full episode together, and we will see you then. Bye for now.

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