Mindset & Action

Bryony's Bold Leap to Business Visibility | EP245

July 01, 2024 Donna Eade / Bryony Jackson Episode 245
Bryony's Bold Leap to Business Visibility | EP245
Mindset & Action
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Mindset & Action
Bryony's Bold Leap to Business Visibility | EP245
Jul 01, 2024 Episode 245
Donna Eade / Bryony Jackson

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Have you ever felt the fear of putting yourself out there, especially after facing severe personal trauma? This week on Mindset in Action, we bring you the inspiring story of Bryony Jackson, a courageous solopreneur who battled visibility issues head-on. Following a year in hiding due to stalking and harassment from an abusive ex-partner, Bryony shares her journey from anonymity to becoming the face of her online business, "Bryony Makes Marketing Easy." Her tale is a compelling reminder of how personal resilience can redefine professional success.

Together, we explore the emotional hurdles and fears surrounding visibility, particularly when past wounds are still fresh. Bryony discusses how her initial anonymous branding didn't resonate with her or her audience, leading to a swift and empowering rebrand. Listen as we unpack how embracing her true self has not only transformed her business but also strengthened her connection with her audience. Don't miss the chance to download Bryony's fantastic resource in the show notes and make sure to tune back in on Thursday for our deep dive into making social media work for you.

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Edited and produced by Donna Eade

Thank you for your support:)

Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

Show Notes Transcript

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Have you ever felt the fear of putting yourself out there, especially after facing severe personal trauma? This week on Mindset in Action, we bring you the inspiring story of Bryony Jackson, a courageous solopreneur who battled visibility issues head-on. Following a year in hiding due to stalking and harassment from an abusive ex-partner, Bryony shares her journey from anonymity to becoming the face of her online business, "Bryony Makes Marketing Easy." Her tale is a compelling reminder of how personal resilience can redefine professional success.

Together, we explore the emotional hurdles and fears surrounding visibility, particularly when past wounds are still fresh. Bryony discusses how her initial anonymous branding didn't resonate with her or her audience, leading to a swift and empowering rebrand. Listen as we unpack how embracing her true self has not only transformed her business but also strengthened her connection with her audience. Don't miss the chance to download Bryony's fantastic resource in the show notes and make sure to tune back in on Thursday for our deep dive into making social media work for you.

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My recommendations:
Want to get booked more and get more out of your guest appearances?

Join Kelly Mosser for her signature Program Hell Yes Guest get 10% off the program with my link plus some extra bonuses from me check it out HERE
FEA Create Simple all-in-one web, CRM, email system
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Want to Guest? Apply here >>FORM
Edited and produced by Donna Eade

Thank you for your support:)

Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Mindset in Action podcast, the place to be to grow and streamline your business. I'm your host, donna Eade. Let's jump into the show. Welcome back to the podcast, everybody for this mini Mindset Monday. I have a guest with me today, bryony Jackson. Welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much, great to be here. I am a guest with me today, bryony Jackson. Welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much, great to be here.

Speaker 1:

I am so glad to have you here, and we have a fantastic conversation coming out on Thursday, all about streamlining your social media, in that we talk about so much good stuff. So definitely come back and join us on Thursday, and Bryony has got this fantastic download that she's giving away. It'll be in the show notes for this episode as well. So if you want to go ahead and get started early, you can go and grab it in the show notes, but do come back and hear what she has to say on Thursday, because there were so many golden nuggets. So today, bryony, we're going to be talking about the biggest mindset block you've had in your business so far and what you're doing to overcome it, and I know that you're quite early in your business, so I think it's one of those things. Oh my God, which one should I pick? Because it kind of all comes at the beginning. So what has been the thing that's kind of got to you at the moment?

Speaker 2:

So I'm quite a confident person and I tend to think I don't have that many mindset blocks, but I did have one big one, and that was visibility. So I'm running an online business and visibility is absolutely key. I have always kind of shied away from the limelight. I'm quite happy to be the anonymous person, but there was something else that was causing this mindset block, and that's the fact that I spent the whole of last year in hiding because I was a victim of stalking and harassment.

Speaker 2:

Oh god, it was actually my abusive ex-partner who was stalking and harassing me, so I just basically disappeared overnight. Not even my family. Well, they didn't know for a while that I'd gone, and once they did know that I'd gone, they knew what town I was in, but they didn't know my address, and I just basically came off social media for a year as well, and I just basically came off social media for a year as well. So going from that to running an online business was a bit of a big step, and I was also worried about being trolled as well, yeah, but I just had to decide that I won't let anyone else define how I earn my living, so I couldn't let that stop me from running the business that I wanted to run, and you know, here I am. I'm being as visible as I possibly can. Nothing bad has happened yet. If it does, then I'll just deal with it when it happens, but at the moment everything's okay, so I'm glad that I made that push.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think that's like that's, that's an extreme version of it, cause I was going to say I think a lot of people tend to shy away from being the face of their business and I think when you are a solopreneur, you have to put your face out there, because people are going to be attracted to you and your personality and who you are, and and that's why there's room for everyone because your personality is going to be attracted to you and your personality and who you are, and that's why there's room for everyone because your personality is going to be different to somebody else's and that'll attract different people. But if you can't see you, then that's just not going to happen. So I think it's very brave.

Speaker 2:

That's a really good point, actually, because the first branding that I did for my business was an anonymous brand. It didn't feature me at all. It was called Smasharoo Don't ask, it worked at the time, Lovely logo. And I was just sat there after about two weeks saying this just isn't speaking to me. And in a day I rebranded my business to Bryony Makes Marketing Easy and I am the face of the brand now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's so true. I think, you know, I've been working with a business recently who isn't really putting herself out as the face of it, and I think in the market that she's aiming at, she really needs to be front and center, because it's just that more personal touch that you need. And I think people are often afraid to put themselves out there. And your story is just wow because it's like, you know, to me, if I'm somebody who I don't suffer with visibility, I don't mind putting my face on anything. You know, yeah, more more, my issue is whether my skin looks good rather than, you know, putting myself out there. I've got no, I will jump on video as long as I've got a filter if my face isn't looking good, and I've got no issue with it.

Speaker 1:

But a lot of of people do sort of sit there and go, oh no, I don't want, oh no, I don't want to. And there's this kind of fear of the trolls. There is this fear of the judgment and things like that. But you've got a whole other area where there's a fear there and the fact that you've been able to say do you know what? No, nobody is going to dictate what and how I do my business and that's just so brave of you and you're a testament because, as you say, up till now, touch wood going forward. Nothing bad has happened and I think people need to realize that we are the ones that have got the issue, not other people. Everybody else is too busy worrying about what they look like to everybody else. Yeah, it's to worry about you.

Speaker 2:

I actually can't wait until I get trolled now, because I'll just feel like I've made it. If I am famous enough to be trolled, I am, I consider that successful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, that's so true, that's so true. And yeah, so just remember, guys, you know, nobody, nobody, cares what you're doing. Unfortunately, in some cases, you know, even like you would, a lot of us don't have great support from our family and friends when it comes to our businesses. They don't care, they don't care enough, and if they are gossiping about you, well you know. Um again, like you say, brianne, you've kind of made it if they've got nothing better to do than talk about what you're doing, how boring are their lives and any publicity is good publicity, as they say they do say that, they do say that, whether I 100 agree with that is another matter, but that's

Speaker 1:

a conversation for a different day. Uh, thank you for sharing that with us, because I think that's that's one of the more vulnerable stories. I think we've had um on these mini mindset Mondays and that really is a testament to you really taking that question and digging deep into it for yourself, which I always think is a good thing for ourselves to. When I ask this question, it's not just me sort of saying what are my audience going to get out of it, but it's really a chance for you to reflect on where you are and how far you've come and just in a short space of time, to be able to have moved past that and looked at the bigger picture and said, no, this is for me and my future and what's past isn't going to stop me is really a powerful message, One thing that's been really powerful for me because I still can't believe that all that happened.

Speaker 1:

It was actually post.

Speaker 2:

it was post separation abuse. But then, looking back at the relationship, you can think, oh well, yeah, yeah, that was pretty narcissistic and there was a lot of mental bullying within it. Yeah, but I'm a strong, confident woman and you know, I've worked in very senior levels in business and you think, well, how can someone like you be come in an abusive relationship? But I did lots of research about it, lots of reading, and it's because I'm a very empathetic person and because I can empathize with pretty much anyone. I can then make excuses for poor behavior like that, and then you start to tolerate it because you think, oh, but it's because of this, so therefore we can tolerate it. And, in actual fact, you just need to look at the red flags.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they ain't going to change, unfortunately.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, I hear you on that one big time, unfortunately. Absolutely, I hear you on that one big time, big time. Thank you so much for your time today and sharing your story. I think that's going to have a big impact on a lot of people who struggle with visibility. I hope they can take it and go. Do you know what? If Bryony can do it, so can I. I will leave that with you guys. Thank you so much, Bryony. Join us on Thursday for our talk on streamlining your social media. It is so good the nuggets that are in there. We'll see you then. Until next time, bye for now.

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