Mindset & Action

Caitriona Ellis on overcoming Fear in Business | EP241 mmm

June 17, 2024 Donna Eade Episode 241
Caitriona Ellis on overcoming Fear in Business | EP241 mmm
Mindset & Action
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Mindset & Action
Caitriona Ellis on overcoming Fear in Business | EP241 mmm
Jun 17, 2024 Episode 241
Donna Eade

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Ever wondered how fear can become your greatest asset in business? Join us for an eye-opening discussion with Caitriona Ellis, the brilliant founder of the Financial Wellness Academy. Caitriona shares her deeply personal journey from financial desperation to entrepreneurial success, highlighting the significant role that fear played in her growth. You'll hear about her battles with fear of failure, scarcity, and catastrophe, and learn the practical strategies she employs to manage these fears, from meditating and sea swimming to seeking support from her coach and community. Caitriona's story is not just inspiring but packed with actionable advice that any entrepreneur can apply.

Get ready for an episode you won't want to miss this Thursday, where Caitriona delves into the true meaning of financial wellness. She will guide you through practical steps to kickstart your journey toward financial health, leveraging her extensive background and hands-on experience. Tune in to discover essential tips and insights that can transform your financial life. Caitriona's wisdom could be the key to unlocking your financial potential, so make sure you catch this invaluable episode!

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Edited and produced by Donna Eade

Thank you for your support:)

Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

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Ever wondered how fear can become your greatest asset in business? Join us for an eye-opening discussion with Caitriona Ellis, the brilliant founder of the Financial Wellness Academy. Caitriona shares her deeply personal journey from financial desperation to entrepreneurial success, highlighting the significant role that fear played in her growth. You'll hear about her battles with fear of failure, scarcity, and catastrophe, and learn the practical strategies she employs to manage these fears, from meditating and sea swimming to seeking support from her coach and community. Caitriona's story is not just inspiring but packed with actionable advice that any entrepreneur can apply.

Get ready for an episode you won't want to miss this Thursday, where Caitriona delves into the true meaning of financial wellness. She will guide you through practical steps to kickstart your journey toward financial health, leveraging her extensive background and hands-on experience. Tune in to discover essential tips and insights that can transform your financial life. Caitriona's wisdom could be the key to unlocking your financial potential, so make sure you catch this invaluable episode!

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Want to get booked more and get more out of your guest appearances?

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Edited and produced by Donna Eade

Thank you for your support:)

Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Mindset in Action podcast, the place to be to grow and streamline your business. I'm your host, donna Eade. Let's jump into the show. Welcome back to the podcast, everyone. It's a mini Mindset Monday and I have a guest with me who will be here on Thursday, so make sure that you come back and listen to our full episode, all about financial wellness, katrina Ellis. Welcome to the show, thank you very much, Donna.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for having me here.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited both for this conversation, but also for Thursday's conversation. It's going to be a good one, guys. You really don't want to miss it. So, Katrina, tell everybody a little bit about who you are and what it is that you do.

Speaker 2:

So I'm Katrina Ellis, originally from Ireland, live in the Isle of man, I run the Financial Wellness Academy and something that was born out of my own personal experience of financial desperation and wanting to find a better way, and then doing lots of education myself about a topic that really we don't talk a lot about. So, yeah, I've got three kids and I'm a big fan of sea swimming and, yeah, I think that's pretty much it.

Speaker 1:

Brilliant, and you can come back on Thursday to find out more and have more conversations with Katrina about all of that. It's good. It's a really good episode. I'm really, really pleased with it. So today we're going to be talking about that mini mindset nugget. So what I do with my guests is I ask them one simple question and you give us your answer and some tips and we all learn from it. So the question is what is the biggest block you've had to deal with so far within your business and how have you kind of navigated that?

Speaker 2:

I would say it's probably fear, fear of failure, fear of not having enough, fear of it all going wrong. So I think it's just a big old dose of fear of you know, your monkey mind goes bananas and just runs all these scenarios as to the worst case scenario of every possible angle, which is not really helpful, but it's real, it happens. Yeah, fear drives the bus sometimes and that's not a good place to be, but it happens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think a lot of people can definitely relate to the fear one. I certainly can. What are some of the things that you've been able to kind of put in place for yourself when it comes to that block that have helped you either move past it or navigate it or kind of, you know, put it back in its box for a while so you don't have to deal with it?

Speaker 2:

yeah, well, I think probably, um, I'd say, don't put in the box in the long term, is, you know, sometimes in the short-term situations, if you you're in a meeting, you're in a situation, you you need to just park it and just leave it over there until you can actually appropriately deal with it. But, but giving it time, because I've experienced the hard way that when we don't give airtime and space to the things that keep reoccurring for us, they come back in a much bigger way and bite us on the ass. So I've learned the hard way to just, when those things show up, to try and deal with them. The three things that I would put in place they're kind of starting with myself would be I need to give myself the space, um, whether it's on a walk with the dog, a dip in the sea, just doing a little meditation morning or evening or at some point in the day, to actually go or what's going on here, what do I need to know? Just give myself the headspace to go. What do I need to do?

Speaker 2:

And the next level would be to have you know hopefully, you know, most people can access an affordable way to have a coach of some sort and provide having that third party view of what's going on and being able to input from somebody who's experienced to support you through that. Because sometimes you need that third party perspective to say, look, you know, here's what I see and here's what I recommend, or try this or whatever, and then having that tribe. So it's kind of starts with self that individuals are that coach, support at some level, and then having that tribe around you who can pick you up. So I'm part of a number of women's circles that you know something's going on, that I'm thinking I'm just pulling my hair out and it could be something at home, but it's impacting my performance at work. I'll put it in there and I'll get that amazing group of women who will rally around and make suggestions or just listen to me or hold me or whatever it is I need um. So I find those three pieces are really important too, because we sometimes we want to be superwoman and we want to think that we can sort it all ourselves, when reality is we all need help sometimes and asking for help is no sign of failure, you know. We just can't carry it all ourselves.

Speaker 2:

So sometimes, knowing when to help and I actually have I have signs around my house. I have one in my office, one beside my bed. What do I need? What do I need help with? I've got a digital reminder, because I am terrible sometimes at asking for help, so I actually need to remind myself to go, okay, what do you need? Do you need help with something? Um, so that's what works for me, to remind me to go, okay, you need to delegate something here. You've got three children who can help you with some of this. Ask, ask for help and the kids will often say, yeah, sure, or you know why didn't you ask me before? And so, yeah, they're the things that work for me.

Speaker 1:

I think that's really important to sort of have that headspace, like you said, to actually stop and think about it, because I think we all are go, go, go all the time and we're just on to the next thing, on to the next thing, on to the next thing, and it's like this you know this, this, this, this little dot that just starts to grow and grow and grow and it becomes this huge monster that we can't, don't want to deal with. So we then end up blocking it out, like you know. No, I'm going in this direction because we don't want to deal with it. And the problem is is when you don't deal with it, like you say, it comes back to bite you on the bum.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that I see with fear is fear creates that freeze flight fight mode in us, and in that's when we need the help, because if you're frozen in place, that's not going to do you any good. If you're running in the opposite direction, it's just going to catch up with you. So then having that coach to come in and sort of say, okay, so what is the root cause of this? Because when we actually look at it, there is nothing to be fearful of when it comes to our businesses, it's not life or death, and that's what I always say to people that are like, oh, I've got to do that, have you? Have you got to do it because you know nobody's gonna like I'm not, I'm not a doctor, and I remember saying this in another podcast.

Speaker 1:

You know, or the guest said it, you know I'm not a doctor, that's nobody's gonna die if I don't do x, so why am I putting so much stress on myself? So I think it's a really important one to um to address and get that support. And I love what you said about your tribe and having those people around you that you can just ask for help, and it is something that I think women really, really struggle with doing. We really want to be able to do it all ourselves, and it's kind of I don't know whether it's it's the negative impact of the female empowerment movement is that we've gone from being women that are at home, you know, being the homemakers and not having a job and not having a voice to say we want it.

Speaker 1:

And now we've got it. We feel like we can't do anything but be this vision of, you know, empowerment and I can handle it all. And I can do it all because that's what we've wanted for so long. And it's like no, because even men have struggled. And you know, when you look at you know I think we mentioned it in Thursday's episode you know, talking about financial issues and then being sort of one of the biggest reasons for suicide. You know, it's also a really big thing with men because they take on all that pressure and they don't talk to anybody about it. And the the great thing about women is we're great at talking. So being able to have those conversations is really, really important because getting somebody else's perspective, where they can go, you know nobody's going to die if you don't put that episode out.

Speaker 1:

If you don't do that job, if you know, you know you get a bad review. We're all going to get them. It's not the end of the world and just having that other perspective to bring you down and go. Okay, you know, maybe I'm catastrophizing a little bit when it comes to that. So so important. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I think it is a really important one to come back to again and again. So when anybody sort of mentions that fear is the biggest block, it's always a good, interesting conversation. So thank you for sharing that with us. Okay, guys, we are going to be back on Thursday with a fantastic episode. Honestly, it's so good you don't want to miss it. Come back on Thursday, listen to Katrina talk about her expertise. Area of expertise financial wellness. We're going to talk about what it means for you and how you can get started on your wellness journey. So come back then. Thank you, katrina, for coming on the podcast and we will see you on Thursday.

Overcoming Fear in Business
Financial Wellness Podcast Episode Coming Soon

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