Mindset & Action

Transform Your Sales Mindset with Sarah Gemmell | EP237

June 03, 2024 Donna Eade / Sarah Gemmell Episode 237
Transform Your Sales Mindset with Sarah Gemmell | EP237
Mindset & Action
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Mindset & Action
Transform Your Sales Mindset with Sarah Gemmell | EP237
Jun 03, 2024 Episode 237
Donna Eade / Sarah Gemmell

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Unlock the mindset secrets that can propel your business forward as we chat with expert networking strategist Sarah Gemmell. Discover how Sarah transformed her approach to sales by reframing it as an opportunity to help rather than a transaction. This simple yet impactful shift not only boosted her sales but also maintained her authenticity and ethics, ensuring every client interaction is genuinely beneficial. 

Join us for a rich conversation on sales. Sarah opens up about her journey, including the challenges of money mindset, a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of entrepreneurship. Packed with practical insights and relatable anecdotes, this mini Mindset episode is a must-listen for any entrepreneur aiming to enhance their business mindset. Don’t forget to tune in on Thursday for our deep dive into networking strategies!


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Edited and produced by Donna Eade

Thank you for your support:)

Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

Show Notes Transcript

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Unlock the mindset secrets that can propel your business forward as we chat with expert networking strategist Sarah Gemmell. Discover how Sarah transformed her approach to sales by reframing it as an opportunity to help rather than a transaction. This simple yet impactful shift not only boosted her sales but also maintained her authenticity and ethics, ensuring every client interaction is genuinely beneficial. 

Join us for a rich conversation on sales. Sarah opens up about her journey, including the challenges of money mindset, a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of entrepreneurship. Packed with practical insights and relatable anecdotes, this mini Mindset episode is a must-listen for any entrepreneur aiming to enhance their business mindset. Don’t forget to tune in on Thursday for our deep dive into networking strategies!


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Want to get booked more and get more out of your guest appearances?

Join Kelly Mosser for her signature Program Hell Yes Guest get 10% off the program with my link plus some extra bonuses from me check it out HERE
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Edited and produced by Donna Eade

Thank you for your support:)

Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Mindset in Action podcast, the place to be to grow and streamline your business. I'm your host, donna Eade. Let's jump into the show. Welcome back to the podcast, everybody. I am here for a mini Mindset episode with my Thursday guest, so make sure you come back and listen to our full episode, all about networking and really honing in on making the most of that networking opportunity that you have with people. Sarah, welcome to the podcast. I'm so glad to have you here this week. Thank you, I'm excited.

Speaker 2:

I'm like so excited for the two parts too.

Speaker 1:

This is going to be so good, I'd like to do something different. So people will find out a lot about you on Thursday, but do you want to give them just a little brief overview of who you are and what you do now?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course. So I'm Sarah Gamble. I'm the expert networking strategist, so we dove into on Thursday's episode, just all the things networking strategy, how to get more out of the time and energy that you're spending in networking so you're not just wasting a bunch of time. And that's what I do, full time. I do marketing and lead generation, consulting, hyper-focused and getting more out of your networking efforts. I'm also a cat mom, horse mom and soon to be actual human mom.

Speaker 1:

I love the way that we do that with our pets. I love the way that we do that with our pets, Like people who tell me and say that you are not a mum to your cat. I'm just like you're not my person Exactly.

Speaker 2:

You know like not you don't get it.

Speaker 1:

You don't get it, absolutely Okay. So in this episode what we do is we talk about our mindset blocks and the premise of it is just to help people understand that they're not alone with blocks that they have and sort of give them some ideas, and we're crowdsourcing how we get through these ideas. So, sarah, what is kind of the biggest block that you've had to overcome in your business so far and how did you manage to do that?

Speaker 2:

One of the biggest mindset blocks that I've had just in general right, when I think about general over the course of the last eight years of being in business is really the mindset around selling. And one of the greatest things I ever learned was changing the word selling for helping, because selling feels so weird and we're told that it's icky and we're told that it's spammy. And I remember being interviewed for my first personal training job and literally I said I'm not good at sales, right, and it was like that was my one thing. When they were like what's your weakness? And I'm like sales because it's just one of those things, right, but at the end of the day, we have to sell in order to keep our business running. Like, if we're not making sales, we have no business. So you have to figure that out right. You have to figure out that mindset block around selling to where it feels really really good and to me, I really believe in being ethical, like I. Really I want to be authentic, I want to be ethical, I want to do things the you know the right way. I want to feel good about it when I go to bed at night.

Speaker 2:

So when I changed the word selling for helping. I'm like, okay, I'm not working with people who, I'm just taking their money and I don't think that I can actually help them. Like I know that I can actually help them with something, so now there's an exchange of value and can actually help them with something. So now there's an exchange of value and if I don't think I can help them, I'm okay saying hey, listen, I don't think I can help you. Here's a referral out. And just having that mindset shift made sales so much easier. I mean, they're still not easy, right, but like it just made it so much easier and it really got rid of a lot of the head junk. And that goes a lot into money mindset to like I didn't even know money mindset was a thing before.

Speaker 2:

I became an entrepreneur, but really figuring out that money mindset part which, honestly, I'm still figuring out you know, that's still something that comes up.

Speaker 2:

And when you have all these head junk things or beliefs around selling and money and all these things it also feeds into like am I actually cut out to be an entrepreneur? Like, if I'm not making sales, oh I'm not good at this. Like people don't want what I have, that's what we're telling ourselves, right? And now there's this whole thing about like not being good enough or not being adequate, and I've dealt with that a lot. I've dealt with that a lot of just feeling inadequate and that's you know, yeah, and I think they're all kind of tied into each other. So just kind of navigating that over the last eight years and, to be honest with you, I'm still figuring some of that out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, people turn around and say new level, new devil, and I think it's so true. So you know, you sort out your selling on this level and you're comfortable with that, but then you want to push to the next level in in your business, which means more sales, which means actually, oh god, there there comes that stickiness again as and you've got to like reprogram yourself the whole time, and I think that's so, so true, um, and I love that one because it's one that I also, um, deal with and I changed it from selling to service. So how am I serving people?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So service and help Same same word. But yeah, I think it is that little mindset shift can really help reframe what it is that you're doing when you're talking to people, so that you're not coming from that place that I've got to sell to this person and I tell everybody a little. I can't remember what podcast it was I've listened to now, which I hate because I would love to credit them for it but the person was going over and it might have been Emily Hirsch actually, because I listened to her podcast a lot, but she was talking about knowing your numbers. No, it wasn't, it was Jenny Donato. Sorry, jenny, jenny, it was your podcast. There we go.

Speaker 1:

Now we know it was Jenny's latest episode, so probably episode 79, I think it was, and she was talking about the selling process and she was saying, when you're booking in sales calls, you know knowing your numbers is so important. So we actually talk about numbers a bit on Thursday's episode, so data and tracking and stuff. So this was really important. One is, if you know that two out of five people will buy, then you go into your calls knowing that. So if you've got five calls booked that week, you know that three of those people are going to say no and that's okay. And when you can go into it going, it's okay. I'm just going to help, I'm going to offer and what will be will be. But I know that two out of five people generally say yes and that's okay. That's the number I need.

Speaker 1:

You go into it with a different mentality, with that help and being able to work from integrity rather than, you know, being desperate for the, the sale which we also talk about on Thursday, that desperation that comes from networking, where you're in there and you're just like I need to get somebody to buy from me or refer me or something. Yeah, never a good place to come from. So, yeah, I liked that tip from Jenny, so a really good one to sort of know, know your numbers. It's so important to know your numbers, so, uh, brilliant. Thank you so much for that, sarah, because I think that's one that a lot of us also deal with and it is connected in so many ways. So Denise Duffield Thomas definitely a greater author to mention when it comes to money mindset blocks and Sarah Brill, who came on the podcast a little while back. She's a money mindset coach, so definitely go over and check her stuff out as well, but it all does, it all links, it all links, it does.

Speaker 2:

And you know, I will also add that having a community of people and this goes right into networking too right, the added bonus to networking is having friends. Having friends that understand what it is to be an entrepreneur. They're working on similar things. Like have people that you can talk to, because when you just sit in your in your at home office and you're feeling like you're inadequate, you're feeling like you're desperate for sales, you're feeling like you don't know what's going on, that is like not a good place to be at all. That is a very, very dangerous place to be.

Speaker 2:

Like, have the people who you can call and say, okay, I have this launch, it's not going the way I want it to, and instead of me flipping out and burning the whole business down, like, help me work through this, or I'm feeling inadequate, or you know, have those people that you can talk to on the business side of things your friends and your family who are not entrepreneurs. They're very well-intentioned, but it's not the same. Like having those entrepreneur friends who are at the same level of entrepreneurship that you are is a game changer, right? So, like do all the things read the books, go to the podcast, go to the mindset coaches, meditate, do whatever it is that you need to do, but make sure you have those people that you can like bounce ideas around with, and they don't need to be your therapist. Sometimes it's literally just here's my launch plan. Can you help me identify where I'm missing something? Right, like, where do I need to tweak something? Because we're way too close to our businesses, way too close, so so true, brilliant, brilliant, love that, love that.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, sarah, for sharing that. It's always a little bit vulnerable to share our blocks and things, but I think it helps so many people when we share it and I also think you know that whole adage of problem halved problem shared is a problem halved is really useful as well in that scenario. So thank you so much. Everybody. Come back on Thursday for our full episode all about networking. It's a really good one to listen into and we will see you there. Bye for now.

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